
很闷,所以昨天找了个小游戏来玩 -Bumps



画面: 游戏画面为精致的2D图形,各种物体边缘绘制的平滑圆润,展示出游戏的细腻画风。多变的场景具有真实的空间感,图像中的小精灵仿佛真实存在一般。卡通感十足画面风格给人以温馨、可爱的感觉。 

声音: 游戏的音乐轻快活泼,丰富多样,不同的主题旋律伴随着生动的音效,为整个解谜过程增添了更多生机。 

上手度: 游戏中具有详细的上手帮助向导来帮助玩家熟悉游戏规则。把小精灵拖拽到适当位置后,点击按钮GO开始。你的目标就是控制小精灵拾取相同颜色的钥匙,去解救被困在笼子中的其他伙伴。

创意: 《Bumps》和一些机器装置类解谜游戏采用了类似的游戏模式,不同的是本作不需要你去安置众多繁杂的道具零件,只需要将撞球小精灵摆放在适当的位置即可。简化了游戏过程,但谜题设计的依旧巧妙。 

可玩性: 9大主题场景打造出幻想风格的游戏界面,丰富的机关元素赋予了游戏更强的趣味性,乘坐摩天轮,突破锁链桥,收集钥匙去解救小精灵的同伴,99个挑战脑力的关卡将为你来带持续的乐趣!

You see, the Bumps are a peaceful race of creatures who like nothing more than to roll around, bumping into each other. But, one day, a fleet of alien space craft came and captured many of the bumps, looking them away in energy bubbles until they could figure out what to do with them next. The remaining Bumps realized that if they could find all of the keys to unlock the energy bubbles, they could set their friends free. And thus your quest is set.

Like most physics puzzlers, you don't have direct control over any of the characters on screen. You instead are allowed to place small Bumps (the number varies per level) at strategic points around the screen. Press the Start button, and let gravity, velocity, and Newton's laws take over. The goal is to collect all of the keys to free the imprisoned bumps.

It's not all happy-cute rolling around and key collecting, of course. Power-ups come along that can make the bumps grow, shrink, dash and more, adding another layer of strategy to the game. Sometimes you'll have to start a bump on its journey far away from the destination so it can grab a power-up or two to collect keys along the way.

Analysis: Fact: it's nigh impossible to resist the cute exterior presented by the Bumps. Seriously, I challenge you to look at those screenshots and not say "DAWWWWW!!!". Bubbly eyes aside, the gameplay is simple and sweet with a good mix of experimentation and strategy.

Challenge-wise, Bumps hits about the middle of the road, offering some levels that are a real puzzler, with others that you can breeze through without a second thought. Most of the difficulty comes from finding just the right places to drop your bumps so they get the job done. It's trial-and-error most of the way, which provides a great casual gaming experience.

Bumps is something a little different, which is always welcome in my book. A little bit of strategy, a little bit of experimentation, and a lot of bubbly-eyed cuteness. Bumps is a great diversion for any afternoon!

Install后开游戏时它会叫你给钱,就选已经给钱了,选自己现在不能上网。然后开keygen,copy product的号码paste在keygen然后按generate,就会出现注册码了。注册码paste过去游戏那边,我们所安装的《Bumps》就是正版的完整版游戏了。
想完但还是安装不来的可以手机或msn找我。破关就可以不必找我,因为我暂时卡在第30关了 = =





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