Balance: $0
Next Payment: Jun 23rd, 2009
Questions: 62 (62.48%)
Correct Answers: 96.1% (1,485)
值得注意的一点是,PJ说了这么一句话: "so you know. Only take ten is worth your time to answer question.
Please let everyone know. Also, your balance goes down because we only
pay a finite amount of money each week and if other people earn more it
will take away from others money. If anyone understands this, please
pass it on. also, comments, spamming rate me good etc doesn't help
anything because no one can get to just your questions and rate you
good because they only way anyone can answer questions is through take
ten and that is random mainly except for the fact that its mainly good
questions. Also, grade is based on how well your questions are rated,
the closest a questions comes to being answered correctly 50% of the
time and if it has a good picture and a good link and more than two
answer choices."
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