转自 http://superpoh.20m.com/birdnest/birdmain.html

29 January 2005 - Saturday - Sunny

Today is our school's annual Mini Marathon. Our member, Scratchy and his brother, 'Kai Ya' just became the double champion brothers in the Mini Marathon under 18(Boys) and under 15(Boys)this morning. Scratchy is the champion of the Mini Marathon for three years already! Congratulations Scratchy!!! He is the proud of our club!

Today's Conclusion :

Kacaubird : A goodhearted person will always has a good end!

20 January 2005 - Thursday - Windy

The Poh website is complete at last, after discussing for two years!

Today's Conclusion :

Kacaubird : Time is precious! Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.


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